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(Baton Rouge – July 17, 2013) Louisiana should take advantage of a U.S. Department of Education offer to extend the timetable for implementing Common Core Standards, according to the Louisiana Federation of Teachers.

Federation President Steve Monaghan said that the idea behind Common Core may have merit, but that like so many other education reforms that have been imposed recently, teachers and school systems have not been adequately prepared for the change.


LFT President Steve Monaghan injured in fall

(Baton Rouge – July 16, 2013) Louisiana Federation of Teachers President Steve Monaghan was injured in a fall over the weekend and, while expected to make a full recovery, may be out of the office for several weeks.

Monaghan fell from a ladder while working on repairs to his Baton Rouge home on Friday, and fractured two vertebrae in his back. Full recovery is expected to take from six to eight weeks, though he may return to work sooner.

“Course Choice” robs funds from at-risk programs

A scandal-plagued program adopted by the legislature in 2012 will be funded by taking money dedicated to at-risk prekindergarten students and other initiatives aimed at improving student performance.


Federation pleased with 2.75% growth factor for public schools

(Baton Rouge - June 6, 2013) After a four-year drought, educators are pleased that the legislature is including a 2.75% inflation factor – about $69 million – in the education budget for 2013-14, according to Louisiana Federation of Teachers President Steve Monaghan.


(Baton Rouge – May 14, 2013) In the wake of a State Supreme Court ruling that the state is unconstitutionally funding school voucher and course choice programs, Louisiana Federation of Teachers President Steve Monaghan is asking lawmakers to step back and rethink the controversial education reforms of 2012.


In an unprecedented display of unity, leaders of the state’s most influential education organizations announced their opposition to re-enacting elements of Governor Bobby Jindal’s radical education agenda.