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We lost an iconic trade unionist and distinguished educator. Nat LaCour exemplified the best of our union. He was a true visionary with regard to the essential role of unions in helping increase the power, agency, wages and professionalism of educators. He challenged the racism that he had to confront as a Black man, educator and union leader in the South, and he was admired by friend and foe because of his grace, kindness and brilliance. All of us at the AFT are deeply saddened to learn of his passing.


Louisiana's early voting period runs from Saturday, September 25th through Saturday, October 5th (except September 29th), so you have the chance to vote now, in advance of election day on October 12th. This year's elections are incredibly important for Louisiana's future. Not only is the Governor up for re-election, but so is the entire Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), as well as a number of important house and senate races.


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This fall, Louisiana has the chance to #flipBESE!

Learn why your vote is so important.

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LFT Endorsements

Louisiana Federation of Teachers and School Employees (LFT), has announced endorsements for the 2019 primary elections. 75 candidates have been selected from around the state who have each demonstrated their commitment to supporting public education issues which influence our schools, our teachers, and our students.


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Hundreds of new educators join the LFT family.

Each electable BESE seat is subject to election this year, which means you will have a chance to vote for your BESE representative in October. Therefore, the Louisiana Federation of Teachers and the Louisiana Public School Coalition are hosting a series of candidate forums across the state.

And more!