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U.S. District Judge Ivan L.R. Lemelle agreed with the Tangipahoa Parish School Board that both Act 1 and Act 2 of the 2012 legislative session will upset the agreement that allows Tangipahoa Parish schools to operate within federal desegregation guidelines.

Louisiana Federation of Teachers President Steve Monaghan praised the judge’s ruling, saying that Gov. Jindal’s plan was hustled through the legislature too quickly for proper debate and oversight.


(Baton Rouge – October 26, 2012) Thursday’s hearing on accountability rules for schools that receive tuition vouchers made a mockery of the process and reinforced suspicions that the state now has a policy in favor of private and religious schools over public education, Louisiana Federation of Teachers President Steve Monaghan said today.

“The hearing at the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education should have been formatted to ensure that specific improvements to the voucher accountability rules could be fairly considered,” Monaghan said. “But before officials even had a chance to see all


(Baton Rouge – October 25, 2012) Private and religious schools that receive state funds through vouchers should be held to accountability standards comparable to public schools, Louisiana Federation of Teachers resident Steve Monaghan said today.


This month’s meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education raised some important questions.

A very reasonable proposal by a BESE member to protect pregnant teachers and active military personnel from potentially unfair evaluations was unnecessarily delayed last Wednesday. Superintendent of Education John White diverted the measure to two different committees and his own staff rather than allow a vote by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.


Dependant on Value Added Model, even 1% is too much, LFT says

(Baton Rouge – October 8, 2010) With a growing number of reports illustrating the chaos fomented by a new teacher evaluation system, Louisiana Federation of Teachers President Steve Monaghan asks school boards to limit the damage by minimizing the effect that the system has on teacher compensation.


LFT attorney Larry Samuel on the new tenure law: This law is a farce.  It is a sham.  It is an insult to every educator in this state. It makes a mockery of fairness. The governor and the legislatures who voted for this bill have demonstrated their intent to do nothing more than to give lip service to treating teachers with dignity.