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LFT president responds to Jindal’s intimidation

Watch Rep. John Bel Edwards respond to the Jindal attack

(Baton Rouge – March 21, 2012) Louisiana Federation of Teachers President Steve Monaghan responded with outrage to the Jindal administration’s efforts to intimidate lawmakers and teachers opposed to his radical education “reform” scheme.

“The heavy hand of politics is always involved in the legislative process, but never so obviously and so ominously,” Monaghan said.

The LFT president was responding to an announcement that a law firm affiliated with the Republican Party has requested copies of all e-mail correspondence between State Rep. John Bel Edwards and Monaghan or any other member of the LFT staff.

Rep. Edwards is the head of the House Democratic Caucus, and has led the opposition to Gov. Jindal’s agenda.

The law firm has also requested the names and addresses of every school teacher in Tangipahoa Parish. Rep. Edwards represents parts of Tangipahoa, as well as other parishes, in the legislature.

“When an arm of the Republican Party asked for the e-mails, we were flattered on one level that there is so much interest in anything we write,” Monaghan said.

“On another level, it was an obvious and despicable effort to intimidate Rep. Edwards, the LFT and the professional educators of Tangipahoa Parish,” Monaghan continued.

“If the governor’s minions would just tell us what they want to know, we would be happy to inform them,” Monaghan said. “We have been trying to get our message through to them for months.”

The Edwards incident is just the latest in a string of bullying tactics employed by the administration against anyone who objects to their plans. Just last week, Rep. Harold Ritchie was removed as vice-chair of a House committee because he voted against a bill favored by the governor.

“Tying it all together, we see a pattern of intimidation reminiscent of the Huey Long era,” Monaghan said. “We would hope that more adult and responsible leaders would condemn these heavy-handed tactics.”

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