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LFT Positions on March 29, 2025, Constitutional Amendments

The Louisiana Federation of Teachers and School Employees (LFT) has carefully reviewed the four constitutional amendments that will appear on the March 29, 2025, statewide ballot. These amendments will have significant impacts on our state's education system, judicial processes, and budget.  We encourage all Louisiana voters to become informed about these important issues before heading to the polls.

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It’s time to stand up for Louisiana students and educators!

Right now, the Louisiana legislature is moving bills through the state house that will hurt public education in the state for years to come.

  • ❌Dues deduction bills: Takes away your freedom to spend your paycheck as you choose.

  • ❌Voucher bills: Our school districts are subject to losing funding to these voucher programs, seriously impacting our public education system.

  • HB 800 was up for discussion last week and sets the stage for a fast-tracked Constitutional Convention. Few details are known at this point, but elected

leg update

This week will be a busy one. Bills must start moving through the process now for them to be heard during the legislative session due to an expected shortened session.

LFT will continue to update you on progress and actions to take to protect your freedom and rights to compensation, safety and discipline, and a fair workload.
image of Larry Carter testifying during appropriations hearing

Last year, the Louisiana Federation of Teachers asked teachers and support staff to take a series of surveys to gauge the priorities and concerns of educators in Louisiana. The results were not surprising. Your top concerns have not changed over the past decade: Compensation, Workload, and Discipline

LFT has been with you, bringing your issues to BESE and the legislature year after year. In the past, anti-public education agendas and political ambition have overshadowed what is needed to allow you the freedom to teach and the ability to earn enough to support your family. 

OGB Update

On Friday, the Policy and Planning Board of the Louisiana Office of Group Benefits (OGB) met to consider a proposed rate hike. Increasing rates would result in added health insurance costs for teachers and school employees across the state, along with other public employees.

LFT sent out an action alert as soon as news of the meeting was made public. In less than 24 hours, thousands of teachers and school employees wrote to the board, asking them to vote ‘no’ on the proposed increase to the cost of their insurance.

LFT Legislative and Political Director Cynthia Posey spoke before the Board on Friday, relaying the concerns of our members and asking the board members to oppose any rate hikes this year. While we fully recognize the importance of having a stable, well-funded account balance that will ensure reliable insurance coverage for our members, we oppose efforts to unnecessarily increase costs. Currently, the OGB fund is well above target rates. The Louisiana Legislative Auditor recommends that the OGB fund balance should be roughly $275 million. Currently, it sits at $430.8 million. This is money that state agencies and state employees, like teachers and school employees, have paid into the system.

OGB Rate Hikes

On Friday, August 25th the Policy and Planing Board for the Louisiana Office of Group Benefits will meet to consider an across the board premium increase of 6.15%. This rate increase would raise costs on all health plans offered to state employees, like public school teachers and support staff. This is the 6th consecutive rate increase, despite a growing and sufficient fund balance.

In fact, the OGB fund balance is already above the amount recommended by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor (LLA). According to the LLA, the recommended fund balance should be roughly $280 million. Currently, the OGB fund balance is $430.8 million. This is money that state agencies and state employees have paid into the system.

Photo of AFT President Randi Weingarten addressing TEACH 2023

The AFT has always been a solutions-driven union, and our new campaign, launched during TEACH on July 21, proves it once again with a fresh, practical approach to strengthening public education. As AFT President Randi Weingarten pointed out during her keynote speech, the $5 million, yearlong campaign, “Real Solutions for Kids and Communities,” stands up against attacks on public schools and offers real-world solutions to build up, rather than break down, our communities.